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We desire peace and good health

More topical than ever is the desire for a peaceful end to the year, as well as a future that brings safety, integrity and joy for all. We look back on a year in which we were able to achieve great things together and get them off the ground. Let's build on that in 2023 and keep moving.

We are looking forward to the upcoming tasks, new impulses and continuing our trusting cooperation. Hand in hand for tomorrow. We wish you all and your families harmonious and carefree holidays and a happy New Year.

blue>> The Journal

blue>> The Journal

SCHUNK is continuously evolving. New branches and more and more international CoLabs are emerging. With its finger on the pulse of AI research at the Heilbronn educational campus, SCHUNK is using its lead as a technology leader to position digital best-in-class products and services. CTO Timo Gessmann talks about this in an interview for the cover story of the new customer magazine. Hope you enjoy the read.

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