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Icon - sustainability

“Be the change you want to see in this world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

Our sustainability strategy

SCHUNK focuses on four strategic areas: From the development and production of our products (Products for Tomorrow) and our impact on the environment and nature (Climate for Tomorrow) to the working conditions of our colleagues (People for Tomorrow). All of this is based on a solid and innovative corporate culture (Culture for Tomorrow).

In our first sustainability report, we show exactly how we do this.

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Sustainable action means healthy production

Future-proof products and production technologies take sustainability and efficiency into account

The world of industrial production is changing. Decarbonization is the long-term goal in all areas of the economy and society. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all areas along the value chain – from the extraction of raw materials and the manufacture of products through to their transportation, use and disposal.

Company profile – Products for Tomorrow

Climate change mitigation starts today: working together for a greener future

At SCHUNK, the largest proportion of emissions (Scope 1+2) results from electricity consumption. It is responsible for 55 percent of total emissions. Another significant proportion is caused by the consumption of diesel and gasoline, which is responsible for 28 percent of total emissions. In addition, the use of natural gas and heating oil contributes a total of 15 percent to emissions. Emissions of nitrogen, ammonia, electricity for electric vehicles and district heating, on the other hand, are very low and each account for less than one percent of total emissions. Due to their minimal proportions, these emissions are listed in the corresponding diagram under Other. However, they will continue to be monitored and taken into account to ensure a complete picture of the environmental impact.
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Our goal: zero emissions

We have set ourselves an ambitious target: We want to reduce our direct emissions (Scope 1 + 2) to zero by 2030. To achieve this, we are gradually switching to renewable energy sources and reducing our energy consumption. From 2025, all of our German plants will use green electricity. We also plan to install additional photovoltaic systems, convert our vehicle fleet to electric vehicles and further increase energy efficiency in production.

Independent climate assessment in the CDP rating: Score B-

The progress of the savings measures is reviewed annually by drawing up a new carbon footprint. In this way, we ensure that we are on the right track and continuously working towards achieving our climate targets. In addition, in every year since 2021, we have had our climate commitment reviewed by the independent organization CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project). We achieved a score of B- in 2023. This represents a significant improvement compared to previous years. In January 2024, we also committed to science-based climate targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. To this end, we have joined the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and are currently working on our targets.
Logo - CDP

We work on machines. But above all:

with people

At SCHUNK, responsibility and freedom are at the heart of our corporate culture. A real "get-it-done" mentality and the opportunity to think in free spaces and act self-effectively characterize our everyday working life. At the same time, we support each other with a friendly and respectful "hand-in-hand" mentality so that everyone can work to their strengths.

Company profile – Products for Tomorrow

Diverse and respectful cooperation

Logo - Diversity dimensions The seven core dimensions of the Diversity Charter, the largest employer initiative to promote diversity in companies.
Logo - Diversity Charter

Together we are shaping the future

We have signed the and are guided by the seven core dimensions: Age, gender and gender identity, ethnic origin and nationality, religion and worldview, sexual orientation, physical and mental abilities and social background. Diversity is closely linked to our self-image. As a family business, we maintain the values that have developed over the course of our history and that still make us successful today. Appreciation, cohesion and mutual respect are among these values. They are even expressed in our claim: "Hand in hand for tomorrow". We rely on the skills of many and are convinced that sustainable solutions can only be created by bringing together different personalities and backgrounds.

Compliance as the basis for responsible action

At SCHUNK, we see compliance as a central building block for sustainable and ethical business practices. Compliance with legal regulations and internal guidelines is not only a legal necessity, but also an expression of our responsibility towards our employees, business partners and society. Our Code of Conduct obliges us to implement and live our ethical values and convictions in our business operations on a daily basis. (Link to the Compliance page) In the Culture focus area, we also summarize our cooperations and networks, as well as our donation and sponsoring activities. Find out more in our sustainability report and on our compliance page.
Company profile – Products for Tomorrow