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Pendulum jaws supporting jaws

Pendulum jaws supporting jaws

Pendulum jaws supporting jaws
The pendulum block supporting jaw or the pendulum attachment supporting jaw are part of the pendulum jaw. This consists of a supporting jaw with bearing bolts, a pendulum body and clamping inserts.
The pendulum jaws allow for cost-effective and reliable clamping of thin-walled and deformation-prone workpieces. To clamp another workpiece diameter, the pendulum bodies are simply changed out.
Scope of delivery and indication of weight: 1 piece

优势 - 您将获益

  • 灵活卡爪,解决方案高效
  • 带浮动卡爪的特殊设计


  • 6 点式浮动爪
    浮动卡爪用于夹持薄壁工件。夹持位置在圆周上均匀布置 (6 x 60°) 显著减少了工件变形。
  • 12 点式浮动爪
    对于壁更厚的工件,我们建议使用有 12 个夹持点的浮动卡爪。我们的技术人员会通过公式程序计算决定应采用 6 点还是 12 点式浮动爪。