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Magnetic gripper
Electro-permanent magnetic gripper for energy-efficient handling of ferromagnetic workpieces

Advantages – Your benefits

  • High holding forces at lowest space
    for reliable part handling in compact machines
  • Low weight
    for high dynamics in challenging applications
  • Reliable holding force maintenance
    to ensure process reliable operation even in scenarios with emergency stop
  • Energy efficiency: electricity is only required for magnetization and demagnetization
    for an economic and careful managment of resources
  • Variable number of magnetic poles and adaptation possibilities to any common robot
    to ensure the optimum adaption to each application
  • Workpiece accessibility from five sides free from interfering contours
    by unnecessary gripper fingers

Options and special information

  • Control via external controller
    Electrical control of the gripper takes place via the controller, which is separately available on request. The interface to the control unit is provided by digital I/O.