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Automation technology February 2022

For a quick start: MTB application kits

Automated loading and unloading in just a few steps: with the new MTB application kits, SCHUNK provides a convenient introduction to partial automation with cobots. The grippers and clamping force blocks included are perfectly adapted for use in metal cutting machining and can be combined with robot-specific connection kits. This saves time during planning, enables up to 50 percent faster loading and unloading, and improves machine utilization.
Application kit MTB With the new MTB application kits, SCHUNK provides a convenient introduction to partial automation of machine tools with cobots.

Cobots are the perfect helpers when machines must be loaded and unloaded in production both easily and with versatility. They insert raw parts and take out the finished products again. In doing so, they relieve employees of monotonous and stressful tasks free up time for other tasks. But how do you get started with automated applications? It's easy with the new MTB application kits from SCHUNK. Because the automation specialist developed three sets specifically for this purpose.

Gripping and clamping from a single source

Depending on the space and task at hand, application kits are available with either single or double grippers. Each includes one or two JGP-P universal grippers with a blow-off nozzle and a sealed valve box. SCHUNK launched the high-performance 2-finger parallel gripper at the end of last year. The "double gripper package" ensures maximum productivity as the two grippers can be load and unload the machine in one step, this reduces the time needed by almost 50 percent. Combining the clamping vise and gripper from a single source makes commissioning particularly fast and easy. SCHUNK offers a third application kit for automated stationary workpiece clamping for this purpose. It includes the compact and low-maintenance PGS3 clamping force block with valve terminal, which can be mounted directly to the machine table via an integrated flange and, like the grippers, can be integrated into the robot control system.

The user-friendly product kits are highly suitable for use in the harsh environment of a cutting machine by virtue of the sealed valve box. An integrated blow-off nozzle in the gripper packages further eases the pressure on employees: It removes dirt and chips from the clamping vise and workpiece independently. Manual removal with compressed air is eliminated and the clamping areas are reliably cleaned for repeatable clamping. The application kits are available for OMRON, Universal Robots, TM, Doosan, and FANUC cobots. With specific cables, hoses and the like from the respective robot connection packages, users can connect the components from SCHUNK to the cobot in a few steps and get started with automated machine loading and unloading.