The production method requirements of some workpieces cannot always be fulfilled with standard components. This is where SCHUNK come into play with expertise and experience. The lathe chuck is developed in close cooperation with you. This is how we solve even complicated clamping tasks. Of course, our individual solutions are ideal for volume production and working processes with high quality standards.
We offer you individually
Hybrid chuck – Benefit from the synergy of a centering chuck and magnetic clamping technology.
Compensation chuck – the wedge hook system is equipped with floating pistons and compensating jaws.
4-jaw power chuck – Maximum flexibility when clamping square and rectangular workpieces, optionally also with individual jaw adjustment.
Lever chuck with large jaw stroke – Clamp over interfering contours, individually adapted for your workpiece.
If you need an even more individual lathe chuck, call us!
Mandrin hybride à 3 ou 6 mors qui combine les avantages du centrage automatique (pneumatique ou hydraulique) utilisant 3 ou 6 mors avec le serrage sans déformation de la technologie de serrage magnétique pour tous les composants ferromagnétiques.
Mandrin automatique à 3 doigts tournants avec force de serrage axial très élevée pour le serrage de pièces ne pouvant pas être serrées de manière radiale.