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Workpiece holder concepts are available, depending on the panel layout, the size of the individual printed circuit boards, the component geometry, and quantities. SCHUNK is the world's only manufacturer to offer depaneling machines and flexible workpiece holder solutions from one source.
Versatile workpiece holders are always the ideal solution, if there is a large product variety with a relatively simple product layout, even for high quantities. If complex assembly groups with a demanding layout must be milled, then a specific workpiece holder from our partner Schnaidt is used.

MAGNOPLATE magnetic workpiece holder

The patented magnetic workpiece holder "MAGNOPLATE" makes specially made workpiece holders redundant for many assembly groups. The MAGNOPLATE can save enormous costs for a high variety of products.


The magnetic pins, which are in the bottom part, can be mounted with the milling spindle and a special mounting tool in the depaneling machine from SCHUNK, and placed on the workpiece holder base plate by means of separate software. The pin setting program can be easily created for each assembly group using a CAD/CAM software.
Before a product change, the pins can then be removed manually, and returned to the pick-up position for a new magnetic workpiece holder configuration.

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Your added value

  • Enormous cost savings: 1 workpiece holder for virtually any product!
  • No need for workpiece holder storage
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Higher milling accuracy due to workpiece holder creation and milling process in one operation!

Individual workpiece holders from the company Schnaidt

In order to be able to cut printed circuit boards from a panel with high precision, the printed circuit boards must be held in place precisely positioning and must not move after being separated. With the Schnaidt system, optimal holding and separation of the printed circuit boards is ensured. Removal plates make it possible to quickly remove even many small individual assembly groups.

Your added value

  • The individual printed circuit boards are fixed precisely positioned.
  • Workpiece holders with hold-down covers prevent individual printed circuit boards from falling out or being removed by suction (especially for small individual printed circuit boards)
  • Removal plates make it possible to quickly and easily remove even many small individual assembly groups

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Do-it-yourself workpiece holders

The do-it-yourself workpiece holder allows one to independently produce a product-specific workpiece holder using the depaneling machine. Due to its high performance, the spindle of the machine can also be used for drilling, allowing holes to be drilled into plastic plates. Afterwards, the pins must be pressed manually into the holes. The self-manufactured workpiece holders are used for sample production or for small to medium quantities.

Your added value

  • Complete production within one hour
  • Short response times on samples, prototypes, and small batches
  • Very economical workpiece holders
  • An alternative to all conventional variants

Do-it-yourself workpiece holders

Your contact at SCHUNK Electronic Solutions

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St. Georgen

SCHUNK Electronic Solutions GmbH, Production facility

Am Tannwald 17

D-78112 St. Georgen


Phone +49-7725-9166-0

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Vertrieb DE - West  ‎

Phone +49 7725 9166-5162

Mobile phone +49 175 6535914

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Sales East Germany/Austria

Phone +49-7725 9166 5023

Mobile phone +49-172 7324084

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International Sales

Phone +49-7725 91665063

Mobile phone +49-162 4262188

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Service Depaneling Technology

After Sales Service Nutzentrenntechnik

Phone +49-7725-9166-5046

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