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Key visual – Sizing assistant

Sizing assistant

Find the right product for your specific application. Simple. Online. Customized.

Why sizing?

Select the right product in just a few clicks​

SCHUNK sizing assistants make it easy to reliably select the right specific products from the portfolio for each application.

  • Professional: Designed for specialists, characterized by maximum accuracy and precision. ​
  • Individualized and safe: The transparent presentation of all the relevant performance parameters in the hit list, combined with many years of experience, ensures an individualized and safe selection of the optimal product for each specific application.
  • Optimal utilization: Calculation of the application-specific degree of utilization of the components. ​
  • Archiving: The calculation parameters and design results can be viewed again. ​
  • International: multilingual, available worldwide in 13 languages.

Application image – Sizing assistant