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Surprisingly versatile



The VERO-S NSE3 quick-change pallet system is impressive with its high pull-down force and the high dimensional stability of the module body. This allows for very high tilting moments and for shear forces to be absorbed by the modules.
This module can be expanded by a variety of different equipment. Their most striking feature is an optional, spring-actuated cone seal that automatically locks the module's change interface as soon as the clamping pin is lifted.

Amazingly extensive

Positioning and clamping in one single operation – VERO-S gets to the heart of rationalization. This set-up time optimizer ensures higher machine running times, and a more rational production starting with batch size 1.

Unexpectedly economical



Completely sealed jaw quick-change chuck

The ROTA THW3 assures constant clamping forces, minimal maintenance costs and high energy efficiency – all packed into a power lathe chuck with jaw quick-change system. A patented sealing system located on the thrust jaws as well as on the release mechanism prevents grease from being flushed out and the gradual loss of clamping force. In addition, the seal prevents fine chips or dirt from penetrating into the chuck body.

Consistently low maintenance

If you want to manufacture turned parts more efficiently, low-maintenance and fail-safe precision clamping devices are required that can be quickly and easily converted and, if necessary, can be automatically loaded. The SCHUNK ROTA THW3 jaw quick-change chuck with its patented sealing of the chuck mechanism has been designed with this in mind.

Surprisingly versatile

ROTA-M flex 2+2

ROTA-M flex 2+2

Flexible 4-jaw manual lathe chuck

With the ROTA-M flex 2+2, SCHUNK is combining the advantages and functions of 2, 3, and 4-jaw chucks on lathes and of vises on mill/turn machines. With the manual lathe chuck, it is possible to clamp round, cubic and geometrically bulky workpieces. A special seal prevents chips and coolant from penetrating into the chuck.

Centrically compensating 4-jaw chuck

The WOW effect in practice

Jaw quick-change chuck with patented seal

It is a dilemma those who produce small and medium series on 3-jaw chucks will be familiar with. The short set-up times of quick-change chucks are appealing, but they often need to be greased after a few hours and cleaned thoroughly every couple of weeks. Sealed chucks, on the other hand, promise longer maintenance intervals, but require significantly more time for each individual set-up process. A visit to the pilot user mbb Metallbearbeitung Becker GmbH in Biedenkopf shows where the potential lies and why the chuck is providing new impetus for turning applications.

Mbb Metallbearbeitung Becker GmbH, Biedenkopf, Germany

Shape – no longer a factor

The ROTA-M flex 2+2 lathe chuck from SCHUNK takes flexibility when machining workpieces to a new level. Service provider Josef Schumacher has equipped its turning/milling center with this new centrically compensating manual lathe chuck, which is now ideally equipped for all part geometries. "Their quality is entirely convincing and their service is second-to-none. We needed a versatile lathe chuck so we could react quickly and directly, and this is best done with SCHUNK."

Christian Hutlies, Managing Director, Josef Schumacher GmbH, Brühl near Cologne, Germany

Standardizing the toolholding and workholding technology enables high 5-axis productivity in toolmaking

Since reorganizing the internal processes, the toolmaking company Eberhardt GmbH & Co. KG from Cleebronn is able to operate faster, more flexibly and efficiently. At the same time, output has risen noticeably. An essential cornerstone in the concept was a comprehensive standardization of its clamping technology. It means that a 5-axis mill/turn center with pallet storage can fully harness its potential and according to Production Manager Marco Joch, "literally eat away at the components".

Marco Joch, Production Manager, Eberhardt GmbH & Co. KG, Cleebronn, Germany