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Force/torque sensor
Rigid 6-axis force/torque sensor for precision measuring in all six degrees of freedom

Advantages – Your benefits

  • Many sizes
    with different measuring ranges
  • The sensor measures in all six degrees of freedom
    forces as well as moments
  • Rotation and translation of the coordinates system
    in all three directions in space
  • Integrated temperature compensation
    to ensure the defined measuring accuracy
  • Easy integration into the process
    due to easy interface compatibility
  • Robust design
    due to a higher overload range for a long service life
  • IP protection class
    IP60, 65, 68 available as an option

Options and special information

  • 6-axis force/torque sensor
    Silicon resistance strain gauges (DMS) measure the strain applied in all six degrees of freedom (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My and Mz). The DMS signals are amplified in the sensor. Due to the size, the amplifier board for the Nano and Mini series is located in the power supply box (IFPS) instead of the sensor.
  • Sensor cables
    The sensor cable of the Nano and Mini sensors are connected directly to the sensor. From size Gamma upwards, the sensor line can be connected to the sensor plug. The highly flexible sensor cable protects the sensor signals against electrical fields and mechanical loads.