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SCHUNK 的全新 MTB 应用套件为局部自动化领域的协作机器人应用提供了入门捷径。作为世界上第一家此类产品的制造商,SCHUNK 为各种协作机器人和轻型机器人提供种类齐全的标准化组件。基于我们在这些领域积累多年的专业知识,我们为您的应用和机器人整合了各种适配套件。
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6 results
2D Grasping-Kit

2D Grasping-Kit

Application solution for gripping non-position-oriented workpieces, consisting of a camera system, an application-specific gripping system and an industrial PC (SVC) on which the AI software developed by SCHUNK is installed. This ensures reliable detection of objects, calculates the best gripping points, and requires no prior knowledge of programming or image processing.
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The MTB application kits enable quick and easy implementation of automated machine loading. The specific application kits take on the important key role of workpiece handling and workpiece clamping. They seamlessly fit into the machine environment.
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