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Heat shrinking toolholder
CELSIO is a heat-shrinking system that is suitable for different shrinking devices. It uses induction heat from eddy currents to heat the heat shrinking toolholder, which clamps the tool shank firmly. The unit of toolholder and tool forms an almost homogeneous connection. The Cool Flow variant of the CELSIO toolholder has integrated cooling channels that can be closed with M3 screws to direct the coolant directly to the cutting edge of the tool. The Dual Contact version offers a simultaneous taper and flat work surface for machines with a corresponding interface, closing the gap between the tool flange and the spindle face.

优势 - 您将获益

  • 高夹持力
  • 良好的径向刚性和干扰轮廓比
  • 用于强力金属切削的刀柄
    适用于速度高达 50000 RPM 的高速加工设备,用于 HSS 和 HM 刀具
  • 根据 DIN 69882-8 在夹紧孔中测量的跳动精度 ≤ 0.003 mm
  • 通用
  • 动态形式
  • 高度灵活
    可与 CELSIO SVL 热缩加长杆完美组合使用