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TENDO Platinum
“The original” hydraulic expansion toolholder from SCHUNK.

TENDO hydraulic expansion chuck with "Zero" extension.
Run-out errors can be compensated using four lateral set-screws.
Standardized machine / spindle interface:

Hollow shank taper form A (HSK-A)
(ISO 121654-1 / DIN69893-1)

Hollow shank taper form C (HSK-C)
(ISO 121654-1 / DIN69893-1)

Taper form AF (SK)
(DIN ISO 7388-1)

Taper form JD/JF (JIS-BT)
(DIN ISO 7388-2)

Taille de l'interface
Nominal size standardized machine / spindle interface
Diamètre de serrage (D1)
Nominal diameter of the clamping bore for holding shank tools

Requirements for the tool shank:
- Shank tolerance h6
- Commercially available shank types according to:
1) DIN 1835-1 form A and DIN 6535 form HA
2) DIN 1835-1 form B and DIN 6535 form HB (up to D1=20 mm)
3) DIN 1835-1 form B and DIN 6535 form HB (up to D1=25 mm)
4) DIN 1835-1 form E and DIN 6535 form HE

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