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Application kits

Complete solution from a single source

The new MTB application kits by SCHUNK provide an easy introduction to partial automation with cobots. An extensive, complete range of standardized components is available from SCHUNK for various cobots and lightweight robots as the world's first manufacturer of these products. Based on our many years of expertise in these areas, we have put together various kits that will be ideal for your applications and robots.
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6 results
2D Grasping-Kit

2D Grasping-Kit

用于抓取非定位工件的应用解决方案,包括摄像系统、特定于应用的抓取系统和安装了 SCHUNK 开发的人工智能软件的工业 PC (SVC)。这样能够确保可靠地检测物体,计算出最佳抓取点,无需事先掌握编程或图像处理的知识。
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MTB 应用套件能够快速方便地实现自动化机床上下料。特制应用套件在工件搬运和工件夹持方面发挥着至关重要的作用。它们能够无缝集成到机床环境中。
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