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클로 죠

높은 토크에서 안전한 공작물 클램핑용

광범위한 제품을 아우르는 슝크 클로 죠는 표준 모듈형 시스템을 기반으로 합리적인 가격으로 다양한 적용분야에 사용할 수 있는 극도의 유연성을 자랑합니다.

다른 공급업체의 경우 가격에 치우친 특별 솔루션이나 몇 가지 척 조로 대규모 클램핑을 제공하기도 하지만 Schunk는 하나의 클로 죠만으로 최대 범위의 클램핑을 제공합니다.

당사의 성능 보장. 귀사의 이점

  • 높은 토크의 전송으로 절삭 속도를 높이고 절삭 성능을 향상시켜 경제적인 금속 커팅을 가능하게 합니다.
  • 톱니의 추가된 세 번째 열(척 지름 200mm부터)이 더 높은 피드 속도와 깊은 절삭율을 가능하게 해줍니다.
  • 강화 표면은 톱니의 마모를 줄여줍니다.
  • Claw jaws for O.D. clamping

    Claw jaws for O.D. clamping

    Weight-reduced and hardened claw jaws made of 16MnCr5 steel for O.D. clamping with more grip. The pointed serration quickly claws itself into the workpiece surface, allowing for reliable clamping.
    The delivery unit comprises1 set = 3 pieces, the workpiece stops are not included in the scope of delivery.
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    Claw jaws for I.D. clamping

    Claw jaws for I.D. clamping

    Weight-reduced and hardened claw jaws made of 16MnCr5 steel for I.D. clamping with more grip. The pointed serration quickly claws itself into the workpiece surface, allowing for reliable clamping.
    The delivery unit comprises 1 set = 3 pieces, the workpiece stops are not included in the scope of delivery.
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    Claw jaws for bar clamping

    Claw jaws for bar clamping

    Weight-reduced and hardened claw jaws made of 16MnCr5 steel for bar clamping with more grip. The pointed serration quickly claws itself into the workpiece surface, allowing for reliable clamping.
    The delivery unit comprises 1 set = 3 pieces, the workpiece stops are not included in the scope of delivery.
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    Universal claw jaws

    Universal claw jaws

    The universal claw jaw made of case-hardened 16MnCr5 steel is as versatile as a stepped jaw, and also transmits high torques similar to a claw jaw. Flexibilityis given due to I.D., O.D., and bar clamping and ensures optimized set-up times and set-up costs.
    The delivery unit comprises 1 set = 3 pieces. For universal claw jaws SZAU/4 and SZAU-M/4, 1 set = 4 pieces for a 4-jaw chuck.
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