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Miniature swivel unit
Light and fast miniature swivel unit with multiple options such as fluid feed-through, hydraulic damping, elastomer damping, and a pneumatic center position

Advantages – Your benefits

  • Finely graded series with a steady increase in torque
    for multiple cases of application, the correct size as a standard product is available
  • Always with large end position adjustability
    for flexible adjustability of the swivel angle
  • Fluid feed-through can be used for gases, fluids, and vacuum
    therefore no interfering hoses
  • scope-free end positions
    for high accurancy
  • Middle position
    for flexible manufacturing
  • Series extends
    upwards with the SRU-plus, for a wide range of applications

Options and special information

  • More swivel angles are available on request.
  • Please note that suitable emergency stop scenarios (e.g. controlled shut down) and restarting scenarios (e.g. pressure build-up valves, appropriate valve switching sequences) are needed for all pneumatic actuators.
  • Cutting off the pressure in an uncontrolled manner could lead to undefined states and behavior.