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Key visual – Configurable products

Configurable products

Configure the right solution for your specific application. Fast. Online. Customized.

Why configuration?

Customized solutions in just a few clicks

With our configurable standard products, we reduce complexity in system planning and offer a large number of individual adaptation options. With just a few clicks, grippers, gripper fingers, linear modules, chuck jaws and toolholders can be adapted to individual requirements in less than 10 minutes, opening up an even wider range of applications.

  • Risk reduction: through SCHUNK expertise and exclusion of faulty designs.​
  • Resource-saving: no development knowledge required.​
  • Seamless contact: Enables a dialog directly from the tool – without having to spend time searching for contact.​
  • Possibility to download CAD data: After completing the configuration.​
  • International: multilingual, available worldwide in 13 languages.

Application image – KONTEC