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Rotary gripping module

Gripping in motion

We offer gripper swivel modules by default as compact, modular designed parallel, centric, and angular gripper swivel modules. For quick positioning processes of workpieces with different weights in confined spaces. They can be used in a wide range of applications, from loading and unloading workpiece carriers to insertion operations in assembly processes and picking of finished goods in covering boxes.
Furthermore, innovative design tweaks, such as the powerful rotor drive, as angle of rotation up to 180° and end-position and cushioning adjustment are combined with state-of-the-art production technology to give the grippers robust reliability and precision, therefore making them safe investments with a long service life.
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50 výsledků


Electric, 2-finger, parallel gripper swivel module with smoothly running base jaws guidance on roller bearings
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Compact gripper swivel combination, consisting of a powerful rotor drive, an end position and damping device as well as a 2-finger parallel gripper.
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