SCHUNK 的气动机械手分为三类
在高品质产品系列中,我们提供 12 款质量极高的机械手,配备各种变型和选配件。其构造坚固耐用,可实现免维护的抓取循环,具备长使用寿命,品质极佳。提示:将精密传感器与气动机械手搭配使用,以监控各种信息或行程位置。
新产品 PGL-plus-P 尤其适合对于功能强大且用途广泛的机械手有迫切需求的用户。这款气动通用型机械手在行程、抓取力和连接性方面均性能优异,非常适合高灵活性的搬运任务。
The PPD positioning unit from SCHUNK now enables users to position freely using pneumatic grippers. And it does so with a very simple setup consisting of gripper, sensor and positioning unit, as well as easy commissioning due to prefabricated PLC function blocks. This is an optimal solution for any gripper application, where flexibility is required, for example robot applications that move workpieces of different sizes, or in close proximity to each other.