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Deburring spindle
Radially compliant electric deburring tool and adjustable RPM for machining workpieces

Advantages – Your benefits

  • Brushless Electric Motor
    for high efficiency, long service life and adjustable speed for more flexibility
  • Variable speed control
    for the flexible machining of different workpieces with different tools and only one electric deburring tool
  • Adjustable rigidity of the tool via compressed air
    for high-quality deburring results in any installation position
  • Gimballed system
    for a robust set-up with compensation function and reduced programming effort of the robot
  • Lower air consumption and less pneumatic air preparation
    by a smaller pneumatic periphery
  • Lock function for the Y axis
    for an oscillating compensation only in the X-axis
  • Flexible use
    on the robot arm or as a stationary unit