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Morsetti avvolgenti

Aderenza completa del pezzo grazie al serraggio senza deformazioni

Le ganasce segmentate SCHUNK sono realizzate in acciaio o alluminio per pezzi delicati. La vasta superficie di contatto assicura che le forze di serraggio siano distribuite uniformemente sull'area del pezzo, riducendo in questo modo la deformazione del pezzo.

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  • Deformazione ridotta del pezzo
  • Trasmissione della forza mediante un'ampia superficie di serraggio
  • Forze centrifughe ridotte con la versione più leggera in alluminio
  • Full grip jaws, aluminum

    Full grip jaws, aluminum

    Full grip jaws made of aluminum are used for machining sensitive workpieces. The large bearing surface ensures that clamping forces are evenly distributed over the workpiece area, thereby reducing deformation of the workpiece.
    The delivery unit comprises 1 set = 3 pieces.
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    Full grip jaws, steel

    Full grip jaws, steel

    Full grip jaws made of steel are used for machining sensitive workpieces. The large bearing surface ensures that clamping forces are evenly distributed over the workpiece area, thereby reducing deformation of the workpiece.
    The delivery unit comprises 1 set = 3 pieces. For top jaw SWB-M/4, 1 set = 4 pieces for a 4-jaw chuck.
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