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RAPIDO ジョーツール・チェンジシステム

ツールは一切不要、60 秒未満でジョーを交換

ジョーツールチェンジシステム RAPIDO は、わずか数秒でジョー交換を可能にし、ツールは一切不要です。ジョーは手動で、または60秒以内に自動で変更できます。特に鋸歯上の旋盤チャックの領域では、このタイプのジョーの変更が、旋盤チャックを新しいクランプ作業にすばやく簡単に適合させるための全く新しいオプションを作成します。


  • ツール不要でジョーを迅速に交換
  • 完全なオートメーション化が可能
  • 60 秒未満でジョー交換が完了
  • 内径及び外径クランピングが可能
  • すべての標準チャックに後付け可能
  • 繰り返し精度 0.02 mm
  • 広範囲なジョーブランクコンセプト
  • 全フィルター
    RAPIDO supporting jaws

    RAPIDO supporting jaws

    The jaw quick-change system RAPIDO enables jaw changes in a matter of seconds without any use of tools whatsoever. It reduces the set-up time of a complete set of jaws to less than 60 seconds. Different clamping diameters, unmachined and finished parts can be clamped in the shortest of times in a reliable process. User-friendly handling even with overhead hanging lathe chucks as well as easy set-up without having to readjust the jaw.
    Due to the ground interfaces, the system attains a change repeat accuracy of max. 0.02 mm. The double locking ensures maximum security even in unclamped state.
    RAPIDO can be used both on a SCHUNK chuck with a corresponding interface, as well as retrofitted on an existing lathe chuck using an intermediate jaw.
    RAPIDO interchangeable inserts

    RAPIDO interchangeable inserts

    The jaw quick-change system RAPIDO enables jaw changes in a matter of seconds without any use of tools whatsoever. It reduces the set-up time of a complete set of jaws to less than 60 seconds. Different clamping diameters, unmachined and finished parts can be clamped in the shortest of times in a reliable process. User-friendly handling even with overhead hanging lathe chucks as well as easy set-up without having to readjust the jaw.
    Due to the ground interfaces, the system attains a change repeat accuracy of max. 0.02 mm. The double locking ensures maximum security even in unclamped state.
    RAPIDO can be used both on a SCHUNK chuck with a corresponding interface, as well as retrofitted on an existing lathe chuck using an intermediate jaw.