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Indukční analogový snímač polohy
Analogový snímač BIP se používá k monitorování polohy čelisti chapadel SCHUNK. Indukčně detekuje polohu snímače polohy a vrací nepřetržitý výstupní signál.

Advantages – Your benefits

  • Analog multi position monitoring for any desired positions
    for flexibility in all automation solutions
  • Measuring system
    for reliable part handling in compact machines
  • Integrated electronics
    enables flexible cable assembly
  • Version with standard plug connector
    for fast and easy exchangeability of the extension cable

Options and special information

  • Attachment kits
    One attachment kit is required per gripper for the BIP sensor. A suitable attachment kit can be found in the relevant catalog chapter for the gripper in question.
  • High protection class
    IP67 when plugged in, for use in clean or dusty environments or in case of contact with water.
  • Shielding of a cable extension
    Shielded cables are recommended if the analog signal is routed via cable extensions. The cable must be shielded on one end.